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How Milk Causes
Problems from Cradle to Grave
The Dairy Revolution
The widespread availability of milk and milk products today would be
impossible but for the inventions of pasteurisation, refrigeration,
and improved animal husbandry over the last 150 years. These
developments have resulted in the production of such enormous
quantities of milk that modern marketing techniques and aggressive
advertising have become necessary to ensure its consumption. But
cow’s milk was intended for calves, not for babies, who should
always get human milk if possible.
Milk from all mammals is so
similar that most babies can tolerate cow’s or goat’s milk in infant
formulae, but a minority are unable to tolerate cow’s milk, and a
few become very allergic to it. Goat’s milk is often suggested as an
alternative, but goat’s milk is so similar in chemical
structure that it is unacceptable. Occasional miraculous
improvements from goat’s milk in babies with severe eczema hit the
headlines, but it is uncommon.
Milk is seldom considered as a cause of disease, and its undoubted
nutritional benefits accepted without question. But we were never
intended to drink the milk of another animal from cradle to grave,
and everyone cannot be expected to adapt seamlessly to this major
change in diet. Most Asiatic people cannot tolerate milk because they become lactase deficient
after infancy.
Milk and milk products can be the hidden cause of a great deal of
ill-health at any age. There is even good evidence that increased
consumption of milk may be responsible for the enormous increase in
coronary disease which has also arisen since the industrial
revolution Many years ago Dr Osborne, a Derby Pathologist published
a monograph describing degenerative changes in the coronary arteries
of bottle fed babies who had died suddenly which were absent in
those who had been breast fed.
Milk Allergy is uncommon and produces acute problems, sometimes anaphylaxis, when tiny amounts cause rapid reactions which may be
dangerous. Skin tests are often positive, blood tests show that
there are IgE antibodies to milk in the blood, and the allergy may
persist for life. Colic, screaming, vomiting, diarrhoea, colitis
or eczema in totally breast fed babies suggests that sensitization
of the foetus to foods in mother’s diet may have occurred. If
manipulation of mother’s diet by excluding milk products, beef, and
egg brings improvement then a serious allergy to milk may be
present, and great care should be taken when introducing cow’s milk
formulae because reacting to traces of cow’s milk protein in
breast milk could indicate a dangerous allergy. That milk allergy
can occur on the breast may not be believed, but demonstrating that
the problems stop when the nursing mother stops milk, and recur she
starts milk again should convince the most sceptical health
My most striking case was a breast fed baby whose mother had noticed
that every time she took wheat or milk the child had eczema and
diarrhoea, and that one drop of milk or of a formula containing
wheat caused alarming swelling of the mouth and tongue. This history
was supported by positive skin tests and RAST for milk, beta
lactoglobulin, and wheat.
This uneducated but intelligent mother had made the diagnosis
herself, and all she wanted was confirmation, but she had not only
been rubbished by her family doctor but also rejected by a
paediatrician who told her that skin tests could not be done until
the child was six years old, a common medical fallacy. The skin test
reactions in this baby are shown below. Fortunately no-one had
insisted on a milk feed, which might have been fatal.
I have known
of milk allergic children deliberately given milk in hospital, and
the ensuing reaction dismissed as psychosomatic. Dangerous reactions
can be caused by well-meaning relatives, doctors, nurses, and health
visitors who scoff at the idea that the idea that milk can be
Prick test reactions to wheat and milk in the breast fed baby
This baby dabbled his hands in spilt milk, thus making the diagnosis
of milk allergy at a very early age from this skin reaction.
Obviously babies can be skin tested !!
A sensitizing dose of milk may still be given by well-meaning but
ignorant nursing staff in maternity units who give a bottle in the
night rather than wake an exhausted mother to give the first feed of
breast milk containing colostrum full of protective antibodies.
result may be that the first taste of milk formula after stopping
breast feeding may cause an alarming reaction, and mother may be
unaware that the baby had been exposed to cow milk at birth.
always remember a well-informed medically qualified mother who had
to throw bottles of feed at the nurses before they would stop
offering bottles to her baby.
Milk Intolerance
is common but often not recognised
To illustrate the many ways in which milk intolerance can cause
illness I will describe interesting cases seen over many years which
could help the reader to recognise milk intolerance in its many
disguises. Descriptions of the varied manifestations of milk
intolerance by means of memorable case-histories can emphasise
diagnostic clues in a way that tables of statistics can never
achieve. The enormous range of problems which can be caused by milk
is such that a diet completely free from any trace of milk products
may be worth trying at any age if there is the slightest suspicion
that milk might be involved because there no test yet available
which can reliably diagnose or exclude the possibility of milk
Referring to the
Global Diagram in the Introduction showing
how allergies can affect any organ or system of the body, milk is
taken into the stomach, and then passes into the intestine, or
“gut”, which is a very large organ composed of living tissue devoted
to the digestion and absorption of the food we must eat to survive.
Food is broken down by digestive enzymes into small molecules of
soluble substances which can be absorbed through the gut wall into
the blood stream and metabolised to produce energy, but some
undigested large molecules of milk will inevitably get into the
blood and can reach a sensitised organ to cause a reaction such as
eczema or asthma. Fortunately the majority of mankind are ordinary
individuals who have no problems at all because they are perfectly
adapted to tolerate the unnecessary milk in the modern diet.
My personal experience has been mainly involved with chronic
intolerance syndromes at all ages, because acute allergic reactions
to milk formulae are usually, but by no means always, identified by
paediatricians shortly after birth, and are uncommon. Intolerance to
milk is not IgE mediated, no antibodies are involved, it is
frequently not diagnosed when it should be, and it is common. Skin
tests are negative, specific IgE in the blood is absent, and
anaphylaxis does not occur. Reactions are delayed or slow, may take
days to develop, and normal amounts of milk are required to trigger
a reaction. No validated immunological tests are yet available so it
is essentially a clinical diagnosis based on the history.
The gut is obviously the most frequently involved organ system in
childhood, frequently recovering spontaneously in time, thus
confusing and often preventing the diagnosis of milk intolerance.
The gut can be affected from one end to the other, from mouth ulcers
to colitis or an itchy anus.
Rejection of a formula feed by
vomiting or by diarrhoea, or projectile vomiting which may be mis-diagnosed as pyloric stenosis, may not be recognised as possibly due
to milk. Damage to the gut lining caused by milk intolerance may
lead indirectly to many other problems such as secondary lactase
deficiency, malabsorption, failure to thrive, steatorrhoea with
floating fatty smelly stools, occult bleeding, anaemia and colitis. Chronic
constipation is also an unusual presentation of milk intolerance.
Onset of symptoms soon after changing from breast to bottle should
give rise to a suspicion of milk intolerance. Onset at weaning
suggests the development of allergy or intolerance to other foods,
so mother’s memory of the relationship of symptoms to the
introduction of new foods can be very important evidence. Vague
abdominal colic for no reason, with bloating and a tendency to
either diarrhoea or constipation can be due to milk intolerance.
The fact that the many and very variable symptoms of milk
intolerance often resolve spontaneously has greatly reinforced
scepticism in both medical and nursing professions regarding this
diagnosis. Annual double blind challenges with milk have shown that
milk intolerance in infants recovers spontaneously within a year in
50% of cases, in two years in 75%, and 90% by three years.. As a
result milk as the possible cause of a problem is often dismissed,
or even blamed on parental mismanagement. False reassurance is
often given, and great distress caused to both children and parents
while waiting for a remission, when simple avoidance could have
brought blessed relief. This tendency to spontaneous recovery is
probably why many doctors and health visitors were reluctant to
accept the diagnosis of milk intolerance, and could not believe that
milk can be bad for you, but this out-dated opinion is no longer
quite so common.
Simultaneous involvement of many organ systems is common and can
cause a diagnosis of milk intolerance to be discarded because it
seems impossible for one food to cause so many symptoms. On the
other hand when several foods are also involved, avoiding milk alone
may be ineffectual without avoiding the other foods at the same
time, so this also can be cause of prematurely discarding this
diagnosis. A trial diet containing only the few foods which very
seldom cause allergy or intolerance may be necessary to establish
beyond doubt whether other foods have any relevance to the symptoms.
Most adult patients can be persuaded to try this approach, as all
they have to lose is a little weight, but infants have little choice
in the matter.
The extent of processing influences the potential of milk or formula
to cause reactions. For example one little boy could tolerate milk
sterilized at 100 degrees, but pasteurized at 60 degrees caused
asthma. Others may tolerate pasteurized, evaporated or condensed
milk, but this is rare.. The development of extensively hydrolysed
formulae where the milk proteins have been
destroyed as far as possible, or Complete Elemental diet 028, can be
very helpful for test diets. These
special formulae can be prescribed on the NHS.
The only way to make a definite diagnosis is by demonstrating
improvement by avoidance, followed by re-introduction which can be
seen to reproduce the symptoms on at least two, or ideally three
occasions. In milk intolerance normal amounts of milk are necessary
to reproduce symptoms, and the reaction, whatever form it may take,
is usually delayed. It is difficult to realise that infants are
consuming the equivalent of ten litres of milk a day for a 70 Kilo
adult! Some milk intolerant adults are positively addicted to milk
and take large quantities, in marked contrast to those with IgE
mediated allergy who react very quickly.
When milk intolerance gets better spontaneously in late infancy, it
is often replaced by inhalant allergies. The persistence of covert
symptoms of milk intolerance such as vague abdominal pains and
behaviour problems may be the unrecognized cause of long-lasting
misery for both child and parents. A craving for milk and
consumption of large quantities can be a useful pointer because it
is not uncommon for the patient to have a craving for the very food
which is the cause of the misery.
To diagnose milk intolerance demands a high index of suspicion,
knowledge of the diagnostic pointers, awareness of the right
questions to ask the patient or parent, and, above all, time to
listen. It is important to realize that laboratory tests are no
help, and that a negative RAST or skin test does not exclude
intolerance. Negative tests can lead to the parents being
incorrectly assured that milk cannot be the answer. The infant
feeding history and the family history are most important at all
ages, with reference not only to the patient but also near
relatives, who may display different manifestations of milk
intolerance in other organs of the body. Even transient infant feeding problems recalled by an
elderly patient can suggest milk as a possible cause of “ late
onset” asthma. Mention of malabsorption, chronic diarrhoea, or
constipation, also suggest a milk problem.
The simple experiment of removing milk from the diet to find out if
the patient gets better would not seem to be a revolutionary
concept, yet the resistance of some medical practitioners, and even
some paediatricians, to this simple approach is remarkable. When the
suggestion that milk may be causing trouble is made by parents or by
patients themselves the idea is even more likely to be rejected,
thus driving them into the hands of the quacks and charlatans who have no
inhibitions about giving all manner of “advice”.
Perhaps it is surprising that adverse reactions towards the first
foreign proteins we encounter are so uncommon, and fortunate that
most people can tolerate cow’s milk, which we now consume daily from
cradle to grave in much larger amounts than our grandparents did.
Management of Milk Intolerance
Management cannot begin unless intolerance is suspected or
recognized. Diagnosis is easier in infancy as the diet is so simple,
but becomes progressively more difficult with increasing age
involving a wider range of foods. Complete exclusion of all milk
products, including beef, is the first step whatever the age. Soya
formulae are the first choice, but remember that with increased
usage of milk-free formulae allergy or intolerance to soya has
become more common. Other mammalian milks such as goat or sheep are
often recommended but may not be tolerated. Beef
should be excluded at first in all patients because it is the source
of cow’s milk. It is difficult to understand why British dietitians
will not accept that beef should also be excluded, because in my
experience one case in four also reacts to beef, as was recently
confirmed by a group in the USA..
Beef is also the source of gelatin, which has been definitely proved
to cause occasional anaphylaxis when contained in vaccines, and is
also when used in sweets such as jelly-babies, and for making
jellies. Guidance on avoidance of milk products should be
available from the dieticians at any health centre, but these views
on milk and especially beef may be unacceptable. Supermarkets now
offer a range of “free from” products, and useful lists which are
very helpful.
Symptoms should disappear completely in a week or two on strict
avoidance, but may take longer, so it is important not to conclude
prematurely that milk has been exonerated. The quicker the
improvement the more likely is milk the correct answer, the slower
the response the less likely.
Reintroduction of normal amounts must reproduce the symptoms, which
are often delayed, and they should vanish again on
withdrawal. This sequence should be repeated twice more to be really
certain that a valuable food must be avoided, and that a milk free
diet is really necessary. This test should be performed within a
month, accidental challenges often providing the most convincing
If a milk-free diet alone does not produce improvement it is unwise
to assume that food intolerance has been totally excluded. Multiple
sensitivities are common, so it may be necessary with older children
to introduce a diet for a week or two consisting of only the very
few foods which hardly ever cause intolerance syndromes, followed
when successful by reintroduction of single foods one by one to find
the culprits.
Double blind placebo controlled challenges, although necessary for
research, are impractical in clinical practice. In the past I found
it more difficult to control the diet in hospital than when
collaborating closely with the patient or mother as an out-patient.
Of course the full cooperation of the family as partners in the
enterprise is essential to ensure rigid adherence to a diet.
In my experience handing out diet sheets provides totally
insufficient motivation, and if a dietitian is involved she should
be one of those very rare individuals who are really interested in
food allergy and intolerance. The best results are obtained by
arranging for weekly telephone reports which maintain contact with
the patient and give encouragement and support for their efforts.
The above comments apply to suspected milk intolerance at any age,
sometimes quite elderly. The many effects of milk in causing other
manifestations of allergy are to be found elsewhere in this website,
and the clues to the diagnosis are usually somewhere in the history,
which takes time to sort out. |