Home A Broad Introduction Allergy Concepts Food Issues Asthma Rhinitis & Hay Fever Eczema Children & Infants Allergy to Animals Finding Answers
Food Allergy
Food allergy is when eating a tiny amount of a specific food causes
an obvious rapid reaction in any part of the body, or all over the
body as in anaphylaxis,. What has happened is that an antibody
called IgE has been developed towards that specific food, it is
circulating in the blood, and can be detected by the RAST test. This
IgE antibody sticks to the surface of special cells called ‘mast’
cells, which are to be found in the lining of the blood vessels, the
bronchi, the nose, the eyes, and all over the body especially in the
skin. When molecules of food are absorbed from the gut into the
blood they contact the IgE antibody on the surface of these primed
mast cells which triggers them to disintegrate and set free a
variety of nasty chemicals, one of which is histamine.
chemicals, usually referred to as ‘mediators’, then cause the
allergic reaction to take place. Various drugs, such as
antihistamines, will block these reactions to a varying extent. The
intensity and speed of reaction depends on how sensitive the patient
is, and how much of the food has been eaten, therefore anything from
a sudden collapse to a slight swelling of the lips is possible.
A skin prick test introduces a very tiny amount of the allergen into
the skin where it comes into contact with
the mast cells which are already primed with specific IgE. for all the allergens to which the patient is sensitised. If
the skin testing extract contains the specific allergen which reacts
with specific IgE on the surface of the mast cell, that cell will
explode releasing ‘mediators’ into the skin which produce
itching and then secretion of fluid, producing an itchy wheal if the skin test is positive. The specific allergen can be
compared to a key, which turns on the patient’s reaction only if it
fits the specific IgE antibody (or lock) on the mast cells.
Problems investigated by allergists usually include anaphylaxis,
acute food allergies, asthma, hay fever, perennial rhinitis,
allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria and sometimes eczema. Some
allergy specialists have a major interest in the immunological
aspects of allergy, and are less interested in food
intolerance where diagnostic tests have yet to be developed, and
manipulating the diet is the only way to establish a diagnosis.
Sometimes, after reading an article in a magazine, patients with
chronic problems may ask their doctors if the cause of their
troubles could be in their food. This possibility is often rejected
out of hand because the British medical profession are unaware that
such a wide range of disease can sometimes be caused by allergy or
intolerance to foods.
Until large trials of elimination diets in a variety of chronic
conditions are carried out it will never be known how often food is
a causative factor in many illnesses, but this is unlikely to
happen because of the current tendency to suppress symptoms with
medication as the first approach to treatment. Both patients and
doctors want a quick fix.
Intolerance to foods presents much less well defined patterns of
illness than
food allergy, mainly because the association between consumption of
a normal amount of the food and its adverse effects is often delayed
by some hours, often the next day, or may even build up over several
days. These slow reactions make it difficult to obtain clear-cut
evidence if food is involved in causing the problem or not.
Skin and RAST blood tests are negative because IgE antibodies are
not involved in intolerance to foods, and the actual mechanism which
causes the symptoms is not completely understood.
At the present time the only method which can
be relied on to identify the food (or foods) causing a problem is
dietary manipulation. This
procedure requires some dedication and strict compliance by the
patient, but when carried out properly very satisfactory results can
be achieved which can revolutionise the lives of some patients.
Uncontrolled dietary manipulation can result in diets which are
actually harmful, so it is very important to establish beyond doubt
that the patient is truly intolerant of a specific food. To be sure
it is necessary to demonstrate that the consumption of the same
normal amount of the suspected food will produce the same effects
after about the same time interval on two, preferably three
There are many tests which promise to give quick answers, such as
Kiniesiology, Vega testing, bio-energetics, and many others which
are available in health food shops or from unqualified
practitioners. Very expensive blood tests are advertised which
claim to find IgG type antibodies against specific foods in a drop
of your blood, but these tests which have never been subjected to
acceptable clinical trials and are a waste of money.
Foods eaten daily or several times a week may not be
suspected as a possible hidden cause of a chronic problem such as
asthma which is controlled more or less effectively with
drugs. Without trying an elimination diet for a trial period
these hidden factors will never be found. Foods should be considered
as a possible hidden cause of so–called "brittle" asthma, a term
applied to many middle aged patients with severe asthma. This term
"brittle" is simply a label which means unstable and difficult to
control, and these patients are often completely dependent on oral
Changing the Organ
To make things even more complicated, the sensitised organ of the
body sometimes changes over the years. For example a daily food,
particularly milk, can cease to cause gut problems, and instead
cause chronic eczema or asthma, as shown in the
Diagram in the Introduction. Over a period of twenty years or more I
have seen a few patients who begin with irritable bowel or mild
colitis, get better with a milk free regime, then get careless about
diet and develop arthritis, followed years later by asthma due to a
different food. These remarkable patients often observe the
connection themselves, but unfortunately have their ideas rubbished
by family doctors and even by consultants in the various special
departments they have been referred to, as they develop trouble in
skin, joints, gut, etc. Case-histories elsewhere
in this website illustrate these unusual cases. Food Intolerance is
a very ill-defined condition, and there are no reliable blood tests
which will tell you what not to eat to get better.
Non-Allergic Gut and Respiratory Problems
Infections, Toxins, Digestive Deficiencies, Chemical additives,
Coeliac disease and Food Aversion
Everyone knows that vomiting and diarrhoea can be caused by an
infection, such as salmonella, or because the food contained some
toxic or poisonous substance which the body is rejecting by vomiting or
diarrhoea. Sometimes people develop a psychological aversion to a
food which will make them sick if they eat it For example, when an
orthodox Jewish lady was told that what she had just eaten and
enjoyed was pork she promptly vomited.
Chronic bowel disorders have many causes, as well as allergy or
intolerance, so it is premature and unwise to jump to conclusions
that a complaint is caused by an allergy, or that specific foods are
causing it. For example insufficient lactase essential for digestion
of milk causes diarrhoea, or gluten may cause Coeliac disease.
Additives such as sulphites, flavouring agents, MSG,
preservatives, and dyes sometimes cause problems, but less often
than usually thought to be the case..
Abdominal symptoms can have many causes, so it is essential to
consult the doctor who will, if considered necessary, arrange for an
investigation by a gastroenterologist to exclude more serious
possibilities before assuming that the problem is related to food.
diarrhoea on holiday may damage the lining of the gut so that,
after recovery from the acute phase, chronic problems persist.
Several cases have been seen whose “irritable bowel” cleared up
after avoiding milk and milk products. Reintroduction of milk a few
months later caused no relapse, suggesting that the damage to the
lining of the gut had produced a temporary intolerance of milk, or a
temporary deficiency of the enzymes needed to break the milk down
for digestion.
Abdominal symptoms can have many causes, so it is essential to
consult the doctor who will, if it is considered necessary, arrange
for an investigation by a gastroenterologist to exclude serious
possibilities before jumping to the conclusion that the problem is
related to food.
Coeliac disease is a different sort of allergy where gluten, mostly
derived from wheat, causes a reaction in the wall of the gut which
destroys the lining and prevents the normal absorption of nutrients,
especially fats, resulting in diarrhoea, malnutrition, and many
other problems. This is very important to discover because with
total avoidance of gluten the wall of the gut heals and regenerates,
and a complete cure is to be expected, but gluten has to be avoided
permanently. In recent years blood tests for Coeliac disease have
been improved and made more sensitive, and as a result milder forms
of this disease have been found to be much commoner than was
previously thought.
Coeliac disease is not usually classified as an allergic disease, as
the antibodies are not the IgE type, and it usually falls within the
specialty of gastro-enterology, but the blood tests are available to
any GP through the NHS. If in doubt, ask for a test
Farmers lung,
bird fanciers lung,
and similar problems are
caused by the inhalation of organic dusts at work or in the home
environment from keeping birds, and are usually handled the
Respiratory Disease Consultants. These serious
lung problems are to be
found in farmers, bird breeders, and pigeon fanciers, and anyone
exposed to organic dusts. These problems are not related to diseases caused by inhaling inorganic asbestos or silica containing
dusts which cause silicosis and mesothelioma. The cause is a reaction of the immune system to these inhaled
dusts, with the development of a different type of precipitating
antibody response which is not IgE.
Blood tests are available to any GP, and have been greatly improved
in recent years, but the diagnosis should be made before
irreversible damage to the lungs has occurred. Even one budgie is enough to cause this disease. Early
diagnosis and removal of the bird will prevent unfortunate patients
from becoming steroid dependent chronic invalids. I will never
forget being asked to see a patient at home and found her lying on a
couch right underneath the budgie’s cage! I would have been stupid
not to realise the diagnostic significance of this scenario..
Coeliac disease, and lung diseases caused by an immunological
reaction against an organic dust now have the great advantage that
there are diagnostic blood tests available now which can lead to a
diagnosis, but the possibility has to be suspected before these
tests will be done. Today it is much less likely that a family
doctor will know that a patient with chest problems is a
prominent pigeon fancier because home visits are seldom carried out
nowadays, there is little time for taking a full history, and
patients do not always see the same doctor so there is no continuity
of care. |